Meditation 412
Reflections on how great God is!
by: Anonymous
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- He maketh the leaves change color in the fall so we won’t feel so bad that the warmth is going away.
- He maketh a rainbow in the sky after a rain to remind everybody that he won’t flood the world again, really.
- He maketh babies cute so we won’t want to eat them.
- He maketh us a body that slowly wears out so we won’t notice so much how we are all dying.
- He maketh us love each other and want to share everything we have with our neighbors.
- He maketh us all different colors and given us all different languages so we can embrace tolerance and get ecstatic over how wonderful all of humanity is!
- He hath painted the world in pretty colors so we don’t realize so much how we are huge polluters of the air with our fires and the water with our poop and the land with our chemicals and the ozone layer with our CFCs.
- He giveth us the brains to Conceive of Him, but not the senses to Perceive him.
- He granteth us peace in our old age, making all things quiet and blurry and painful so that we will be grateful for our death.
- He leaveth an instruction manual for parenting, sex, agriculture, how to make shelter, what to teach our youth, how to manage conflict and how to recycle, reuse and renew.
- He updateth said manual occasionally to keep current with the ever-changing needs of his creations.
- He maketh wild animals to keep us out of their territory so we won’t upset the balance of the ecology.
- He sent his only begotten Son (no sex for God!) to pay the ransom He Himself put on the lives of his creations.
- He asked this Son to Be Very Good and die miserably for him so all his creations could see how very much He loves us.
- His Son loves us!
- He showed us that 33 is a long enough time for his Son to live and be productive, so any time we are given after that is Gravy and we ought to be grateful.
- He gave us thousands of methods and ways to beseech Him, pray to Him, make sacrifices to Him, and worship Him, but no method of actually Knowing Him, so that we may experience Faith.
- He maketh Faith a Virtue, so that we can feel good about believing in our thousands of methods and ways, and be tolerant of everybody’s methods and ways, because he hath made us Virtuous.
- He makes the poisonous mushrooms clearly recognizable so that we won’t accidently ingest them and die.
- He maketh us born naked so we can cover up with clothes all the time, helping us to discover Fashion.
- Finally, He told Jesus to separate Church and State because THE CHURCH CAN’T HANDLE THE STATE! (or the truth.)