A Miscellany
This section is for correspondence which does not fit neatly into other sections of the site. Here you will find complaints, compliments and commentary.
This is where I will publish at least some of the "You guys are great!" and "You guys suck" messages, along with comments which are relevant but don't directly address one of the existing articles. It's also a place for articles which may be slightly (or more so) off-topic, perhaps controversial, but still of interest.
Recent Additions:
A Miscellany 476: Freedom in Society - by JT New
A Miscellany 475: My Book: Goodbye My God - by Ahmed New
A Miscellany 474: Preyer - by Jack Belk
A Miscellany 473: New Books - by Ward Ricker
A Miscellany 472: A Parting Fun With Figures
A Miscellany 471: Comments on an Ordination Application
A Miscellany 470: Dave Allen's First Day at Catholic School
A Miscellany 469: Troglodyteman -- by Doctor Eido WCA
A Miscellany 468: Two Poems -- by Doctor Eido WCA
A Miscellany 467: National Day of Reason -- by Karin
A Miscellany 466: From the Latent Book of Platitudes -- by The Reverend Roger Eno
- Thanks
- Great Site!
- A Drive-By Poster
- God's Plan?
- Faulty Religious Myths cannot take us far.
- Why I want to be ordained by you
- Officiating at Marriages
- A selection of brief comments
- Kudos
- Irritating Christians; Irritating Agnostics
- Ancient Times
- Thank you for your website
- How many Christians?
- I enjoy the lightheartedness
- Keep Your Jesus off My...
- Your site just reinforced my beliefs<
- I see that my true calling is to be an Apathetic Agnostic.
- Ironic Tragedy
- The Search Feature<
- A Spiritual Rationalist Writes
- Thanks for the Degree
- Intelligence and Belief
- How could it all just have "happened"?
- Wikipedia Entry
- On Correcting Errors
- Am I apathetic enough?
- A Commentary on the Articles of Faith
- Church Signs I
- Church Signs II
- Please continue the good work.
- Thanks for such a good website
- Humanist Weddings in Scotland
- The American Taliban
- Hate Laws
- Addendums to the tenets
- Tour de France
- Comments on the Church Calendar
- Political correctness gone mad?
- Ingersoll's Debates
- Cardinal Ratzinger Fan’s Club
- On Organized Religion
- Iranian Justice
- Spawn of Satin
- Who's Going to Hell?
- Some Questions
- Thank god for you!
- A Freethinker Horse Camp
- A shame to abandon credibility for the sake of a joke
- Tragedy and Reaffirmation of Faith
- Tragedy and Questioning of Faith
- There are others like me in the world.
- This is perfect for me.
- Bible Research Tools
- Deleted
- What about Russell?
- Not so intelligent design
- Earthward
- What crazy world is this?
- Christian values in Secular Societies
- I was looking for something to take to work
- Agnostic Blessing Suggestion
- Help me create my pole
- Persecution
- A beacon of reason
- Communion Menu
- Wings of Desire
- Smashing the Sacred Myths
- If God has been good to you...
- Origins of Boxing Day
- Agnosticism is more of a theory or religious preference.
- Lyonism: The bigger better replacement theory of everything
- Feast of Maximum Occupancy
- This is great!
- Leap of Faith Day
- Thank you for your honesty.
- I find your site refreshing
- Origin of Racial Diversity
- Living Without God Lecture
- The Jews Make A Deal With God
- I really like you guys
- I admire your humour.
- I would like to be an acolyte
- The Manifesto of 12: Together facing the new totalitarianism
- The Fast Track to Heaven
- I want to be offended
- ...a standpoint so close to my own
- Society of Evangelical Agnosticism & other recommendations
- "Bite Me" Plaque
- Start Your Own Religion
- Blogging the Bible
- The Root Of All Evil
- The followers of every religion believe THEY have all the answers
- National High Five Day
- Biting the Hand
- The Evidence against ID
- Looking for the answers
- Too Much Christian Bashing
- The Congressman and The Ten Commandments
- Westboro Interview
- Why Me?
- Esquire Survey
- Vindicatus
- First Time Visitor
- A Louisiana Agnostic Church
- Selections from the collected works of Yaffin Bocca
- The Value of a Degree
- Comments from Ordination and Membership applications
- Subjective Neutrality
- The opus hominis.
- Why do people believe?
- Illusion of Man
- A question of probability
- I'm not sure
- An Agnostic Pamphlet
- Jonathan Miller's "A Brief History of Disbelief
- Quotations as a text file
- It's really two issues; not one
- 2 more multimedia presentations
- A New Millennium April Fools Day
- Promoting Larry Gallagher
- Jesus Appears!
- I do not want to celebrate any of this
- A Hell of an Answer
- For those who need a reason
- Beyond Belief
- Donate a book for review
- Some interesting sites
- Press Release: Agnosticity
- A Message Exchange
- The Philosophic Method
- Mr. Deity
- Point of Inquiry
- St. Valentine's Day
- In the Name of Towelie!
- A Doppelganger Writes
- What to do with Jesus's DNA?
- Parable of the Umbrella
- The Good News Story of the Week
- Comedy Videos on Religion
- Christopher Hitchens on Religion and Free Speech
- Science and Religion
- On positive arguments for disbelief rather than refutations of belief
- God, Inc
- In the news
- Peanut Butter Disproves Evolution!
- God is Not Great
- In the News
- One little thing
- Help Redesign the site
- Nice site
- Atheist In The Foxhole
- Religion
- Lillith
- Kathy Griffin's Emmy Acceptance Speech
- Are you doing laundry in the love of God?
- Heart of the Beholder
- The Tree
- New book on atheism
- ReadPrint.com
- Evolution IS a Blind Watchmaker
- Just what was on the Pastor's mind?
- Agnostic Web
- A Holiday Recommendation
- First Thoughts
- Within Us
- Give Me That Old Time Religion
- Amazing Disgrace
- Jesus (Pronounced Hay-Soos)
- Arthur C. Clarke
- A short Good Friday thought
- The Power of Prayer
- Redefining BIBLE Interpretation
- Hillary Clinton respects atheist and agnostic rights
- Uhhh... thanks? And may the Force be with you too.
- You May Be a Taliban, If ...
- What did the Founding Fathers intend?
- The Templeton Foundations asks: "Does science make belief in God obsolete?"
- Science vs Religion
- Selling Souls
- Whispers in Church
- Godless. Faithless. Flawless.
- Agnosticism and Politics
- A History of Failure
- The Afterlife in Scientology
- The Ambivalent Agnostic
- Musings
- Song Lyrics Survey for Agnostics
- Praise
- What am I?
- Recent Readings: The Heavy, the Light, and the Useful
- The Naked Soul
- A Letter to Concerned Parents
- WebLiterature.Net
- A Ramble Around Domain Names
- God is Imaginary dot com
- Larry Beinhart's "The God Series"
- The lie has been passed on and on and on
- Dark Matter, A Review
- These Dark Thoughts
- What Religion is Your Bra?
- Atheist Bus Ads
- Obama includes nonbelievers
- Love the Site
- The Armageddon Flow Chart
- Just "that which some guy told us a long long time ago."
- Darwin Year Links
- Organized Religion Losing Ground
- Remaking Remaking 'Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid'
- Is Globalization God's Will?
- The God Who Wasn't There
- Skeptic
- Video Reverend
- A Reasonable Thought
- IUN Research Project Competition
- A glimpse into ignorance
- See the Movie, Spread the Movement
- "The Gospel Truth - A Reality Check."
- Offensive and Uncensored... for now!
- Lewis Black - Me of Little Faith
- Open-Mindedness
- Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else
- The Miracle of Apathy
- Reworking St. George & the Dragon
- Redesign in progress
- On Harry Potter Life Lessons
- In whom do you trust?
- And they claim religion is good for you
- "Agnostic Bible" blog
- Religion in sports
- I'd like a Doctorate in Apathetic Agnosticism
- The Passion of Zombie Jesus
- A Special Message for Daniel L.
- Jepthah's Sacrifice from Judges 11
- Healthy Skepticism, Unhealthy Skepticism
- Questions and Answers
- The Agnostic Buddhist
- Apathetic Agnostic Church in Brazil
- Raising Children Without Religion
- Christian AI or Christian Fraud?
- Christian Album covers
- God on Trial
- Amazing Grace
- Poor Joseph
- Santa Claus in action
- Survey says...
- Proposal for an agnostic podcast
- Ricky Gervais on Creation
- Can the Bible and Darwin both be right?
- Belief in nothing
- A Former Christian Apologizes
- Validity of IUN Degrees
- Thanks in a membership application
- Is this our church?
- Great moments in Apathetic Agnosticism.
- Godless Comedy - Abraham and Isaac
- Creationist claims application
- The Cosmology of the Bible
- Faith - the movie
- On Nothing.
- Why the conversions and the need to spread the Gospel?
- On Voltaire
- Persephone's Agent
- Recovery Group for Secularists
- The Truth Contest
- As if thinking matters
- Teaching Armageddon
- The will of God?
- Beliefs on the afterlife
- Fred Phelps takes on Comic-con
- Message from God Program
- George Washington on Religious Freedom and Civil Liberties
- A new blog
- Falling between belief and non-belief
- Giving Jesus a boost
- Two documentaries
- Agnostic as a Religious Disclaimer
- The best informed about religion
- Random thoughts on a very large stone
- Election considerations
- An apathetic and agnostic cartoon
- "He doesn't take rejection very well" (video)
- Jimmy Carter on Religion and Women's Rights (video)
- Celebrate Apathetic Agnosticism on 1 April
- Is Religion a Force for Good in the World?
The Blair - Hitchens Debate (video) - Putting faith in its place (video)
- List of Scientists Rejecting Evolution - Do they really? (video)
- The week's news in religious bigotry and stupidity
- Comments from recent applications
- A Seasonal Rant, Execution, and Carol (video)
- Burning the Bridge to Hell: Introduction
- A Venn Diagram of myths, new and old
- Ark Encounter Theme Park
- Kirk on TV: "Benny Hinn" (video)
- Religion of the Absurd
- Kirk on TV: "The Secret" (video)
- Prove you can heal - or get off the air
- An Imaginary Tomorrow
- Unifying Symbol Suggestions
- Sarah Silverman solves the problem of world hunger
- An exclusive interview with the Pope
- Maiden's Prayer
- An amoral, family-hating monster
- The Skeptic In The Room (video)
- Religion to disappear
- A Facebook recommendation - if you care
- Who Wrote the Bible?
- Apathy wins out...
- Atheists and Agnostics Worried There's No Hell for Rush Limbaugh
- A middle ground that doesn't take itself too seriously
- Liars for Jesus
- The "Truth" of the New Testament
- F.A.A.D.
- Not biblical
- Too good to be true
- Foundation Beyond
- The Annals of Catholic Medicine
- Dehler - Marcellino Debate
- Evolution vs. creationism debate
- Bill Maher on Apatheism
- Two Readings
- Pakistani Atheists & Agnostics
- Proposed Calendar Additions
- Called by God to run
- Bill Maher on his Apathetic Atheism
- Joking about Mohammed - by God
- God Gone?
- Porn Publishing Pope
- Military recognition of non-believers
- Jesus, Master Motor Mechanic
- How's that morality from the Bible philosophy working out for you?
- I do not want for God to be a lie
- Two Poems for Christians
- Two Views of Christmas
- Fear of Death
- On Family
- On Drugs and Alcohol
- Two Agnostic Poems
- Being Somewhat Honest
- Two more agnostic poems
- On God's Attitude
- Friends and those we love
- Easy Money?
- Dependencies
- Approval and Acceptance
- The Second Article of Faith
- A true miracle
- That's Not Funny! The Book
- Christians
- It is up to you
- Thank you God for irony
- On God's Works and God's Plans
- Posters
- Fred Phelp's latest campaign
- Do you know...
- Fixed your sign
- The Evolution of Human Intellect
- Sharing
- Prescience
- Coffee with Jesus
- Analytic thinking and religious disbelief
- The Supreme Authority - a poem
- Sleeping during prayers
- An Absolute Agnostic
- Logical Fallacies Poster
- Vindication for Mitt?
- The 80% Solution
- Infinite Regression Is The Only Justification For The Cosmological Argument
- The Lost Verses Of Genesis
- Loony 2012 Apocalypse Prediction of the Week
- My Son Thinks I Am Going To Hell - by August Stine
- On not knowing - by Baron Beezley
- The imitation green pope
- Lesson 2 - by Professor Roger Eno. D.D.
- The Gullibility of Asses
- Prayer
- They Say My Soul Needs Salvation - by Gordon Barthel
- A Miscellany 377: Organized Agnostics - Who Knew?! - by Kelly F
- A Miscellany 378: That biased Texas school curriculum
- A Miscellany 379: Brighton Lights
- A Miscellany 380: Deathbed Conversion - from Paul Sharkey
- A Miscellany 381: A poster
- A Miscellany 382: New Ingersoll Biography
- A Miscellany 383: Why Jesus does not answer your prayers
- A Miscellany 384: The Demonic Reproductive Cycle
- A Miscellany 385: Free Book Suggestions
- A Miscellany 386: St Hildegard Touched By the FSM
- A Miscellany 387: New Books by Fred Leavitt
- A Miscellany 388: Ex-Pope Joke Challenge - by Paul Sharkey
- A Miscellany 389: God discovers that Holy Books don't work - by Kevs
- A Miscellany 390: Thanks for keeping your website going - by Marie Dueck
- A Miscellany 391: Secular Humanists are Winning - by Marie Dueck
- A Miscellany 392: Creationist Dishonesty
- A Miscellany 393: What happens in the Sacristy...
- A Miscellany 394: Christian Website of the Month
- A Miscellany 395: Atheist Brotherhood to Begin Unbaptizing Dead People - by Phil Maggitti
- A Miscellany 396: Did God Write Other Books Besides The Bible? - by Phil Maggitti
- A Miscellany 397: Anachronistic Christmas
- A Miscellany 398:
Evolution[Gravity] is only a theory - A Miscellany 399: Congratulations on 20 years - by Bruce Robinson
- A Miscellany 400: Talking with Christians without losing your will to live..
- A Miscellany 401: A Shrine for... Hemorrhoids.
- A Miscellany 402: That Doesn't Make Sense
- A Miscellany 403: The Wit and Wisdom of Ray Comfort
- A Miscellany 404: The Sacred Message of the Grasshopper - by Kyle Rutland
- A Miscellany 405: He Talked to Me - by hardley ferguson
- A Miscellany 406: Site promotion
- A Miscellany 407: The Discordians
- A Miscellany 408: Signs of Double Entendres
- A Miscellany 409: Help in forming a secular student group
- A Miscellany 410: Proof of Evolution? You are. And so am I.
- A Miscellany 411: The Evolutionary Tree Of Religion
- A Miscellany 412: A haiku, for my fellow agnostics... -- by Reverend Todd A.Spencer
- A Miscellany 413: The Story of Samson (video)
- A Miscellany 414:Poking the beast (revised and retitled)
- A Miscellany 415: Converting AI
- A Miscellany 416: The Evolution of Darwin Day - from Ardziv Simonian
- A Miscellany 417: Knowledge or Certainty -- from: Paul Neubauer
- A Miscellany 418: The Atheist Research Collaborative -- by Joseph Langston
- A Miscellany 419: Retelling the story of Lazarus -- from Paul Neubauer
- A Miscellany 420: Gratitude for help - Anonymous
- A Miscellany 421: 35 Founding Father Quotes -- by Stephen D. Foster
- A Miscellany 422: A local church offered to mow my lawn -- by Kyle Rutland
- A Miscellany 423: Defending Darwin -- James J. Krupa
- A Miscellany 424: Don't know if this is a serious church... -- by Mary Martin
- A Miscellany 425: Word, man -- by Ray Charbonneau
- A Miscellany 426: What The 'God Of The Gaps' Teaches Us About Science -- by Marcelo Gleiser
- A Miscellany 427: A God That Could Be Real -- by Nancy Ellen Abrams
- A Miscellany 428: The Gospel Truth About The Gospel
- A Miscellany 429: Priest Training 101 -- by Rich Wisken
- A Miscellany 430: Ignorance - How It Drives Science
- A Miscellany 431: Creationism in Louisiana Schools - by Gabriella Fiorino
- A Miscellany 432: Fortney Road: Life, Death, and Deception in a Christian Cult -- by Jeff Stevenson
- A Miscellany 433: Televangelists, or Financial Predators -- by: Manny
- A Miscellany 434: Spiritual Goose-Bumps -- by Dede
- A Miscellany 435: The New God -- by Roy L. Cover
- A Miscellany 436: Awarding three MOOs and a BOO
- A Miscellany 437: Observations -- by Gus St. Anthony
- A Miscellany 438: FREE!!! From the Skeptic Society
- A Miscellany 439: Losing Religion through SF&F -- from Paul Neubauer
- A Miscellany 440: God's Design
- A Miscellany 441: Risen truth?
- A Miscellany 442: There are zero atheists in Congress. Let's change that. -- by the Secular Policy Institute
- A Miscellany 443: On this day (29 April) in UCTAA history
- A Miscellany 444: On this day (13 May) in UCTAA history
- A Miscellany 445: Open My Eyes -- by Eli Daughdrill
- A Miscellany 446: An old friend lost
- A Miscellany 447 : Petition supporting restoration of political rights of non-theists in the U.S. -- by Politically active
- A Miscellany 448 : Readings
- A Miscellany 449: Why The Bible Self-Destructs -- by Lee Howell
- A Miscellany 450 : Agnostic Haiku (1 - 3) -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 451: W.O. Mitchell's Twelfth Commandment
- A Miscellany 452: Happy Religious Fallacy Day -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 453: Coincidence? Or God?
- A Miscellany 454: Agnostic Haiku (4 - 5) -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 455: Apple Eating - by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 456: PEW Report -- Agnostics Unrepresented -- by Shane K. Bernard
- Miscellany 457: Beyond belief! Two new controversial eBooks -- by: Mike Newell
- A Miscellany 458: We Come We Go -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 459: Miscellaneous Administrivia
- A Miscellany 460: Who Is To Blame? -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 461: A fool and his Trump vote...-- by Manny
- A Miscellany 462: I Think, Therefore Bad Conscience -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 463: Where Is Nowhere? -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 464: Secular Senryu -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 465: Nothing's The Same -- by Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 466: From the Latent Book of Platitudes -- by The Reverend Roger Eno
- A Miscellany 467: National Day of Reason -- by Karin
- A Miscellany 468: Two Poems -- by Doctor Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 469: Troglodyteman -- by Doctor Eido WCA
- A Miscellany 470: Dave Allen's First Day at Catholic School
- A Miscellany 471: Comments on an Ordination Application
- A Miscellany 472: A Parting Fun With Figures
- A Miscellany 473: New Books - by Ward Ricker
- A Miscellany 474: Preyer - by Jack Belk
- A Miscellany 475: My Book: Goodbye My God - by Ahmed
- A Miscellany 476: Freedom in Society - by JT