A Miscellany 245
Survey says...
by: JT
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Just a few surveys of recent interest:
How religious is your state?
The Pew Forum on Religion in Public Life ranked the various US states in order of those who considered religion important in their life. Mississippi topped the list with 82% with Alabama a distant second at 74%. The American South - or Bible Belt pretty much filled out the top ten. At the bottom was New Hamphire and Vermont at 36% with Alaska (perhaps surprisingly in view of the ex-Governor) just above at 37%
US Muslim attitudes towards terrorism
Another recent Pew survey - and I think this important to bear in mind considering the latest Islamic terrorist attack attempt on a Detroit bound aircraft (and when they say he had extensive burns to his inside upper thigh - I hope the burns went a somewhat higher than that) and the Fort Hood massacre - is a look at the attitudes of American Muslims. The survey finds few actually support terrorism. And that's good. We should be able to trust those who have chosen to live among us - many are here because they want to get away from the fanaticism.
US attitudes towards religion
One more survey by Gallup looked at the attitude of Americans towards religion. 29% of Americans now consider religion to be out of date. That's up from 20% in 2000.
If anyone has equivalent statistics for other countries, I'd be happy to post them.