A Miscellany 356
The Evolution of Human Intellect
by: L.N. Smith
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I'm writing today to introduce a new 70-page book that I believe supports an agnostic/humanist interpretation of history. It's called "The Evolution of Human Intellect: Discover the Information that Schools and Religions Aren't Yet Teaching" and it answers some basic questions:
- Why did women lose their facial hair during evolution?
- Where did the notion of god(s) come from?
- Why did self-awareness arise in the torso before migrating behind the eyes? and
- What transition sparked the feud between science and religion?
All of these questions have simple and logical answers, which are entertainingly revealed in the form of two amusement park attractions. You can get this inexpensive e-book on Amazon;
The book has been reviewed by R. Miner on Amazon, who has this to say:
This book is imaginative and probably mostly true. There are many concepts discussed in this book and they are all addressed efficiently enough to be clear while the whole book is easily read at one sitting. Those of you that share my growing hostility towards books that have a few interesting points to make but take 400 pages or more filled with mostly bull to make those points will appreciate this book. Think of this book as an almost instant download of information right into the old noggin. The fact that the information was presented so well and so quickly got this title five stars deserved for a book expertly written instead of four which it would have probably gotten for the content alone.