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A Miscellany 427
A God That Could Be Real

by: Nancy Ellen Abrams
submitted by: Paul Neubauer

From the Cosmos & Culture blog on NPR

Note from JT: Perhaps this might be better placed under Talk Back. But I do tend to be much more sympathetic to those who have a faith consistent with science than those who oppose or reject science.

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'A God That Could Be Real' In The Scientific Universe

"God" is a word. If we define it, even subconsciously, as something that cannot exist in our universe, we banish the idea of God from our reality and throw away all possibility of incorporating a potent spiritual metaphor into a truly coherent big picture. But if we take seriously the reliable — and, thus, invaluable — scientific and historical knowledge we now possess, we can redefine God in a radically new and empowering way that expands our thinking and could help motivate and unite us in the dangerous era humanity is entering.

For more than 30 years, I have had a ringside seat to one of the most exciting scientific revolutions of our time, the revolution in cosmology. In the 1970s, the great cosmological mystery was this: If the Big Bang was symmetrical in all directions, why isn't the expanding universe today just a bigger soup of particles? Instead, beautiful spiral and elliptical galaxies are scattered throughout, but not randomly; they lie along invisible filaments, like glitter tossed on lines of glue. Where several big filaments intersect, great clusters of galaxies have formed. Why? What happened to the soup? Where did all this structure come from?

Continue reading on the NPR website

Part 2 of A New Way To Think About 'God'

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