Ordination & Membership Options
There are several options for those who wish to be associated with the Church. There is no charge, nor will you be asked for donations in support of this web site.
Our membership options are:
- Basic Affiliation: If you accept the Articles of Faith, then you can consider yourself part of the congregation. Do nothing. You belong, even if you don't care to apply.
- Choir Membership: Join us for Thursday evening choir practice in the shower. Invite a friend so you can harmonize.
- Congregation Membership: Submit an online application for membership. You also receive your choice from a selection of Bachelor Degrees from the International University of Nescience. [no longer available]
- Ordination : Submit an application for ordination from the First Apathetic Agnostic Church for a valid Certificate of Ordination and access to our Clergy Resource site, and a Masters Degree from the International University of Nescience. [no longer available]
- Store - Show off your membership: One of our members has opened an online UCTAA Store with a selection of material featuring our logo
For undoing a baptism please see Meditation 754. This does not involve membership. Our unbaptismal certificate which releases people from the clutches of one organization does not imply they have been dragooned into another one. That is a separate decision.
Note 1: If you want a free degree but do not wish to participate in the Church, The International University of Nescience offers its exclusive Bachelor of Adequacy degree, so you can prove that you are indeed "good enough." Apply at the University. Nescience.org.